Cunning +3
X: 726, Y: 3137
Codex: Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism
Additional information:
From the start point 444, 3091, there are some rocks that you can stand on to jump over to the top of a post holding a canvas. Run across the canvas to get to the rooftops, then jump down run across the top of a wall that takes you across a main path on the map. This next part gets tricky if you aren’t good at jumping. At the end of the wall, you jump onto a round topped structure, then, to the right, you will see a big vent thing sticking out that you can jump on, then over to a beam. From the beam, you jump to a pipe sticking out of the tower that hold up a bridge. Then jump from the pipe over to the bridge. Run across the bridge and you jump down to a pipe on the side of the other tower (that holds up the bridge) and then onto the rooftops. Almost home free, just need to run around the top of the building then over to the bank and jump down to the datacron.
Willpower +3
Aim +3
Blue Matrix Shard
Strength +3