Stats +10
X: 0, Y: 0
Additional information: This is an explanation for to collect +10 stats datacron. The same tactics are useable for Republic and Empire sides, with some differences like Ship Location and visual graphic differences between Republic and Empire side. Before going to actual location u need several items :
The Magnetically Guided Grappling System ( MGGS) you can purchase on Alderaan;
Corellian Museum Crystal (CMC) found on Corellia;
Cormium Crystal Shard (CCS) at main fleet museum
- For Republic: go to The Gav Daragon -> Bridge Deck -> Museum (far south)
- For Empire go to Ziost Shadow Shuttle -> Bridge Deck -> Museum (North East )
After collecting all the items (you can see on the screenshots below where to find them) head to the Maintenance Shafts where the actual datacron is located. NOTE: It is very important to have the proper composition of the group, or you can get stuck for hours:
You need 2 party members who can pull you (sage , sorcerer )
You need 1 party member who can go into cover (Smuggler , imperial agent )
In order to get the datacron as easy as possible, you need 9+ man ops (raid) group. I read in some guides that you can use /stuck in order to get to the main platform of Maintenance Shaft, but it didn’t work for us, or any other group I was talking to (they patched it in the latest patches). You’re probably wondering “Why do we need 2 sages / sorcerers?”. The simplest answer is: 2 sages should be on the positions G and F to pull other players, first to position F, then to position G. What about other 3 players? Their job is to stay on the other side, and to use the Bridge Controls if some group member accidently falls down into the abyss (before or after opening the G position). Note: If you fall into the abyss, you should have Cormium Crystal Shard (CCS) in order to be able to get to the Maintenance Shaft.